Acupuncture therapy promotes natural healing through insertion of tiny needles that activate Qi energy throughout the body to help achieve balance within the body and mind. During the initial examination, a full health history is taken by Marina Doktorman, a licensed acupuncturist. There will be many questions asked about the symptoms, digestion, lifestyle, and sleep. Everything is important, so be ready for detailed questions and lengthy intake. Marina Doktorman will examine face, take pulse and tongue diagnosis. Obtaining this information enables us to effectively diagnose and detect any specific imbalances of Qi that affect a person’s health ailments. A well-structured treatment plan can be then created.
There are various types of acupuncture offered at our acupuncture healing center in Williamsburg, Brooklyn:
Acupuncture services blend other techniques within the treatment which include Cupping therapy (Fire Cupping) and Hijama (Wet Cupping), Onnetsu Therapy of infrared light, Fir (far red), Celluma Red Light Therapy, TuiNa Massage, Gua-Sha and Moxibustion.
Why Choose Pulse Acupuncture as Your Acupuncture Wellness Center in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
At Pulse Acupuncture we are focused on providing the most comfortable pain-free experience for optimal health: wellness as well as more complex conditions. The treatment will be customized based on TCM diagnosis of pulse and tongue evaluations, face readings, ear evaluation for diagnostic purposes, visual assessment of body’s posture, gait and range of motion evaluation. We also use computer diagnostics such as AcuGraph to determine organ/channel imbalances. Clients receive detailed questionnaires on diet and lifestyle. We provide each client with diagnosis, treatment modalities to be used, herbal and supplement recommendations. Each room at two locations is designed to feel relaxed and comfortable during the treatment.
We created a healing environment where everything is considered: from comfortable treatment tables, linens, pillows, heat lamps, heat packs, to gentle technique of painless acupuncture insertion. The purpose of the treatment is to have a unique experience of healing modalities in a safe, clean and soothing environment. The goal of each treatment is to provide the most effective, drug-free relief in pain, stress alleviation, detox and balance.
All acupuncture needles in the practice of Pulse Acupuncture are sterile, non-toxic and for single use only. Acupuncture needles are metallic, solid, and hair-thin. People experience acupuncture differently, but most feel no or minimal pain as the needles are inserted. Some people feel energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed.